Press Release Cover

Osceola County Sheriff’s Office continues to follow up on tips that have been received by the
public. We also continue to work in conjunction with The Orange County Sheriff’s Office on tips
that develop in their jurisdiction with our detectives here in Osceola County. The video and two
photos taken by hikers of Paola wading in the Wekiva river on 12/18/21 are attached. Please note
family members of Paola positively identified her as being the person in the video.

The Sheriff has acquired a Zistos Portable Underwater Video Camera System to help search the
area of the river where Paola was last seen. This equipment is a high-intensity camera system
with lights. It has the capability to see into hard-to-reach areas that cannot be explored by
standard scuba equipment. Members of the Osceola County Sheriff’s Office will be searching
approximately 4 ½ half miles up and down the river using this state-of-the-art equipment.
Sheriff Marcos Lopez, along with 8 other AGG Marine deputies will be at the Wekiva Springs
Park searching the area tomorrow, January 6th at 8:00 am.
Further updates will be released as new information becomes available.

Paola Miranda

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Sexual Predator – Christopher Ted Conner
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Missing Juvenile – Brianna Elizabeth Walker


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